Frequently Asked Questions
Please check the FAQ’s to see if you question has been answered!
You cannot sell items that are mass produced. No buy/sell businesses allowed.
You can redeem your gift card many ways! First of all, you can use it to shop online for products, event passes, or workshop passes. Simply enter your unique code in the box labeled "Have a coupon?" This window can be found in your shopping cart.
To redeem your card in person present it the shop where you wish to make your purchase. Most shops accept the gift certificates in person. Unfortunately, you will have to use the whole card at once if you are using the certificate in this way.
Please contact us directly if you have any questions. Or even better, look at our previous participants to see if you think your work fits in.
We like to accept as many people as possible. We want to say yes but we do have some high expectations:
1. We are strictly interested in well crafted design goods. If it looks poorly made, it won't be accepted.
2. We are interested in fine materials. We don't accept anything made from bottle caps or duct tape for example. It's rare that we accepted beaded jewelry or wire wrapping--you gotta be really interesting to pull it off. But if you do- KUDOS.
3. You need to have good quality photos/high resolution photos and either Etsy, Facebook business page, or a website. You must be a legitimate business with a sales tax id. We keep exhibitors sales tax info on file.
4. You must have a good attitude. Emails to Pop Shop and correspondence to customers are expected to be professional and courteous.
If you don't meet these requirements, that's okay! There is always next time. You are always welcome to reapply when you update your photos or your body of work changes.
Most likely you were not eligible at this time but it could be a glitch. Please read on to learn more.
Unfortunately, we can't accept everyone to Pop Shop and we don't have the resources to respond to every applicant that isn't approved. Try looking at the other FAQ's or browsing the shop to make sure your work meets the quality standards that we describe. Take a look at your photos. Are they good quality, high resolution and not blurry? Great. Did you include a link to your Etsy, website or Facebook business page? Did you agree to the terms and conditions of Pop Shop America in the application? Is your work handmade or true vintage?
If you are ineligible at this time, that's okay. There is always next time! Please reapply in 1 year or if your body of work significantly changes. Thanks so much for understanding that we are trying to create the best events and the best experience possible.
Every now and again a captcha or a browser glitches on the application page. If you application was submitted correctly you will receive an auto-response within minutes. It will list several other markets that we love and a thank you for applying. If you did not receive this auto-response, we probably haven't seen your application. Try using a different browser or getting in touch with us directly for more information.
All exhibitors of Pop Shop America events must apply and be approved here. No exceptions. If anyone is caught set up at an event that has not gone through the application process they must be removed for liability purposes. Approved exhibitors can share space with other approved exhibitors after requesting consent.
At a Pop Shop event, you are provided the space for you to exhibit and sell your work + promotion of the event and promotion of your work.
All sales are self managed with no additional fees or payments to Pop Shop. The size of the space is given in the exhibitor logistics that you receive when you are approved as an exhibitor. Electrical and wifi are included with many but not all events. This information is also included in the exhibitor logistics. Coffee service is usually provided during set up. Please bring snacks. At most events, outside beverages are not allowed.
For both the events and the online boutique, Pop Shop will add a hyperlink to your website under artists. We love to showcase the things you make and may tweet, instagram and make facebook posts about your awesome creations. Our goal is to promote your work and for you to earn a good living.
For more information, read the Terms and Conditions, especially #18 as it applies to events.Send us an email
Please expect an email or text within 24 hours. 💖
Thank you!