How to Make DIY Alcohol Ink Blending Solution

This tutorial is Part 1 of the Instructions for the Alcohol Inks Artwork Making Kit that you can find here. Find Part 2 of the Instructions: Mastering Alcohol Ink Artwork here.

Ready for a super simple tutorial to make your own DIY Alcohol Ink Blending Solution? This is the type of product that you do not need to purchase as a stand alone product – especially if you want to make Alcohol Ink Artwork regularly. It’s an inexpensive product to make, but wildly overpriced if you purchase it pre-made.

Just check out this pre-made version here! Now if you are in a hurry, this is a great supply to grab. But otherwise, it’s better to make your own. It’s quick, easy and only requires simple supplies.

Supplies to Make DIY Alcohol Ink Blending Solution

This DIY Alcohol Ink Mirrors Craft Kit -or- This Alcohol Ink Artwork Making Kit
Rubbing Alcohol (Any Dilution)
Vegetable Glycerin
An Empty Bottle with a Nozzle (and or pipettes)

add glycerin to rubbing alcohol to make blending solution

What Does Alcohol Ink Blending Solution Do?

Blending solution is a supply that can help you get movement in your alcohol inks. It’s a liquid that you can drizzle across your inks to help you create wisps and folds of color and can help you create a gradient affect of pigment to background.

Because you will likely want to drizzle it across your inks, it’s best kept in a bottle with a small nozzle or used with pipettes.

add rubbing alcohol to a bottle to make blending solution

Rubbing Alcohol and Alcohol Inks

Rubbing alcohol is an important supply to have available for alcohol inks. You can use it alone, without the glycerin to move the inks. However blending solution will create a better gradient.

Rubbing alcohol can also be used to remove alcohol inks. So you can spray an area of ink with rubbing alcohol and use a paper towel to remove most of the pigment. Lighter colors are easy to move. Darker colors are nearly impossible!

It’s also a great supply if you need to remove alcohol ink from a work table, your clothing, etc. Although these inks do stain easily, it can help you lighten them if not remove them completely.

how to make alcohol ink blending solution tutorial

How to Make DIY Alcohol Ink Blending Solution

Making DIY Alcohol Ink Blending Solution is so easy! Just add around 95% alcohol to around 5% of vegetable glycerin. You don’t need to measure it. It doesn’t need to be perfect.

For the size of bottle I used, I added around 1/8 of a cup of rubbing alcohol and then dropped in just a few drops of glycerin. Be sure to shake it before you use it!

Viola! Wasn’t that easy?

alcohol inks example to make diy blending solution

Now if you are ready get started with alcohol inks be sure to shop these Alcohol Ink Kits here and get ready to have some fun! Alcohol inks are gorgeous and perfect for beginners. Here’s our DIY Alcohol Ink Mirrors Craft Kit and here’s our Alcohol Ink Artwork making kit.

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