Free Printable Ice Cream Cones

free printable ice cream cones gift tags cool crafts by pop shop america art blog

Check out these totally adorable free printable ice cream cones! They are fun, colorful, and bright. These cones are free for you to download here.

What Should You Do with These Ice Cream Cones? Anything!

[Tweet “My head says go to the gym, my heart says eat more ice cream.”]

free printable ice cream cones with supplies

First, print these ice cream cones on either regular copy paper or card stock. What type of paper is best, depends on what you want to do with the finished cones.

Then, cut them, trim them, and make them into lots of different things.

One idea is to hole punch them like I did and make them into little mini gift tags. This would be perfect for a kid’s birthday gift or ice cream social.

cut out the ice cream cones free printables

You could also make them into a decorative garland. To make it, hole punch each ice cream cone twice so you can thread them. Use baker’s twine, like the twine shown here, or use rope to thread through the cones. Add at least 5 ice cream cones but you could add many more. To determine the length you want, just measure the area where the Ice Cream Cone Garland will go. If you want more details, here’s are the detailed instructions. This ice cream garland would be perfect for a summer soiree!

Another idea is to attach the cones to thick and gorgeous paper. You could transform them into place card settings or greeting cards.

free printable ice cream cone pinterest graphic with text

[Tweet “Ice cream never asks silly questions. Ice cream understands.”]

You could also make cards, print these cones on shrinky dink paper, or make them into bookmarks.

If you want even more ideas of what to do with your free printables check out this blog post.

So what are you going to do with your free printable ice cream cones?

solo ice cream cones free printables

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