Lady Luchador: Vintage Mexican Wresting Fashion that You Must See Now

Lady Luchador Vintage Mexican Wresting Fashion that You Must See Now

Vida Antigua, Houston Vintage Clothing Company, has created their latest look book and the photos are out of this world.

lady luchador vintage clothing look book by vida antigua

Try to not faint or have a heart attack.

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Clothing by Vida Antigua Vintage – All Available for Purchase and Photos by Walter Rodriguez

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Luz from Vida Antigua calls the luchadors “luchadonnas” and said, “Walter the photographer and I talked about doing a Luchador shoot for a while. We were inspired by Luchadors wearing suits, with a 70s look. We both remember as kids seeing these types of luchadors in the movies. But we decided to make them girls in pretty dresses instead.”

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Photo Shoot Location Sugar & Cloth Color Wall

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Modeled by the Lovely Alexandra, Laura, Isabel, and Krystal

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Luz added, “The photo shoot worked out perfect. It was so much fun. We kept having people drive by and cat call the girls during the shoot. They were wearing the masks the whole time!”

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Vida Antigua is also known for their vintage style accessories like Flower Crowns and Cool Sunglasses.

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Check out the link below to get even more Vintage Mexican Wrestling Fashion in your life.

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1 thoughts on “Lady Luchador: Vintage Mexican Wresting Fashion that You Must See Now

  1. Joely Smith says:

    This is really interesting. Honestly I have only seen the Mexican wrestling masks in movies but I have never seen a woman’s Mexican wrestling mask until now! I never even knew they existed! They are honestly beautiful! I love how they dressed pretty and made it a fashion statement! I think my favorite is the gold mask with teal dress!

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