Ombre Sunset Lip Gloss DIY

ombre sunset lip gloss diy pop shop america

Need a DIY lip gloss with a burst of fruit flavor? This is it! This ombre sunset lip gloss DIY is just dreamy for anyone who longs for summer, for the outdoors, and for a gorgeous sunset. This craft is totally easy to make and inexpensive too. Lip gloss is one of the most fun uses I’ve found for Kool-Aid!

The recipe for the lip gloss base can be found here in a previous Pop Shop America blog post. All you need is coconut oil, almond oil, and beeswax – for this you can forget the essential oils. We’ll be using Kool-Aid instead for a fruit burst!

Other supplies you need are:

-Lip Gloss Containers (4 Flavors of Kool-Aid will require 7 Lip Gloss Containers)
-A Vial or Dropper of Water
-Kool-Aid (For an Ombre choose a Color Palette of Similar Shades)

supplies to make an ombre stackable lip gloss_small

I chose the Kool-Aid flavors: Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, and Cherry to make a sunset. To get started with our Ombre Sunset Lip Gloss DIY first, make sure your lip gloss base is melting to a liquid on a low heat or in a crock pot.

[Tweet “If you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack. – Coco Chanel #beauty #diy”]

add yellow kool aid to the lip gloss diy first_small

Now open up all of your lip gloss containers and line them up. It will be easier to create the ombre and not get lost if you have them all in a straight and organized line. If you have 4 flavors of Kool-Aid you will need 7 Lip Gloss containers.

Notice how I put the yellow in the first two containers? That’s how we make an ombre!

add orange to make the ombre lip gloss diy_small

So listen up, because this is the confusing part. Each color: Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, and Cherry will have their own container. But in the other 3 – that should fall in between Lemon & Orange, Orange & Strawberry, and Strawberry & Cherry – you will want to blend a small amount of the two flavors together. So for example, in between Lemon & Orange you have a container with both Lemon & Orange together.

That will create your ombre effect!

[Tweet “On a bad day, there is always lipstick. #diy #pretty #sunset”]

add red to finish the ombre sunset stackable lip gloss_small

Just a small amount of the Kool-Aid will do the trick! Then, use your vial of water to add a few tiny drops of water to the Kool-Aid. This will activate the color and the flavor. Without it, your lip gloss will end up a little gritty from the Kool-Aid powder. Blend the water and Kool-Aid with a toothpick.

activate the kool aid color and flavor with water lip gloss diy_small

Adding the water is also a great opportunity to check out your color and make any necessary corrections! But now that the Kool-Aid is activated, it can stain so be careful while handling it!

pour the lip gloss into the containers sunset lip gloss diy_small

From there, you will need to fill your Ombre Sunset Lip Gloss with the Lip Gloss Base. This time, I couldn’t find a measured pour so I made quite a mess. I highly recommend using something easy to pour from when transferring your lip gloss.

final ombre sunset stackable lip gloss_small

Now you just shake it up! You can also stir it with a toothpick to evenly distribute the Kool-Aid color around the lip gloss. But a toothpick is not an easy way to get the color evenly blended.

shake up the ombre sunset lip gloss

Voila! Ombre Sunset Lip Gloss!

[Tweet “Make This! Dreamy Ombre Sunset Lip Gloss by @PopShopAmerica #diy #handmade”]

finished all stacked up ombre lip gloss sunset_small

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