What goes best with a therapeutic and calming massage? Obviously, good massage oil! Adding a little essence to your massage regimen, there are various essential oils that definitely fill the bill.
Here are some of the best essential oils that can be used for massage therapy due to their relaxing properties:
Lavender Essential Oil
The Lavender Essential Oil is one of the most popular essential oils and rightly so. It has a fresh aroma with a refreshing scent that instantly soothes the soul. It is among those oils that have a variety of properties, and you should definitely stock it up at home all the time.
Lavender Oil is a major help when it comes to relax the body against stress. This is why it tops the list of oils that are great for essential oil massage therapy. Not only it helps relax, but also improves energy levels and promotes relaxed sleep.
Coriander Essential Oil
The Coriander Essential Oil is derived from the Cilantro plant. It is sweet, warm and brings a relaxing touch to the atmosphere, whenever and wherever used. This is what makes it absolute and perfect recipe for relaxation when massaging.
If you want a massage that soothes and relaxes every nerve in your body, Coriander
Essential Oil is definitely for you. Just hop onto full gravity massage chairs and enjoy the
most unnerving massages ever.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil, when warmed, is non-greasy and light liquid oil that has almost magical properties. An organic and unrefined coconut oil retains the magic of an original coconut and has the best use during massages.
It provides greater stability when it comes to relaxation and promoting the growth of the body. From exterior well-being to interior repair, Coconut oil aces on massages all over the body. Be it your head or back, there is no better option when it comes to a great scent and non-greasy essential oil.
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba is a wax extracted from the seed of a jojoba plant. What makes it a standout is that it has antibacterial properties. For those seeking out regular massage therapies, it not only eliminates stress from the body, but also gets rid of back acne.
Cherry on top, it has an extremely long shelf life. It means that you won’t have to use it religiously, and you can switch to any other essential oil any time during your massage therapy. It is suitable for every skin type, so there are no chances of skin irritation at all.
Olive Oil
Most people associate Olive Oil as cooking oil for health and diet-conscious people. So, if you didn’t know yet, it is great to be used for massage therapies too. Due to its sticky and greasy nature, it isn’t usually used for massages, but whenever you opt for a regular routine, this should definitely be your choice.
In case you plan on using Olive Oil for your routine, just take it in a little amount and thoroughly massage. Use it especially in areas around the body that are stiff or hurt.
Author Bio:
Sara is a psychologist by profession and she loves massage therapies. She enjoys home- based work and traveling. She is obsessed with massage chair therapies and other relaxing techniques. She recently wrote a post on the best Thai massage techniques.
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