Don’t Throw Bird Seed: A Million Things You Can Learn at Handmade Weddings

Don't Throw Bird Seed at Weddings | Handmade Weddings a Bridal Event in Houston TX

We’ve all heard that throwing rice at weddings can be dangerous to birds. Did you know that throwing bird seed can be nearly as dangerous to humans? Here is an example:

Don't Throw Bird Seed at Weddings | Alternatives to Throwing Rice at Weddings | Handmade Weddings a Bridal Event by Pop Shop America

This very lovely, thoughtful couple chose bird seed. Notice how their heads are down and how they are covering their eyes? Think about the texture and surface of bird seed. It’s hard, rigid, and pointy. Now think about what that would feel like when it’s being thrown at you, however delicately. Imagine how it would be feel if it accidentally landed in your eye. OUCH! It makes photographs difficult too (although the couple from this photo had lots of great event photos).

The exit is one of the most important parts of a wedding.  So here are some alternatives:

Sparklers at a Wedding | Alternatives to Throwing Rice at Your Wedding Exit | Don't Throw Birdseed at Your Wedding | Handmade Weddings A Bridal Event in Houston TX

Sparklers are great for night weddings and come in lots of shapes and styles.

Bubbles at a Wedding | Alternatives to Throwing Rice at a Wedding | Don't Throw Bird Seed at a Wedding | Handmade Weddings A Bridal Event in Houston TX

Bubbles are great for day weddings. Bubble machines are inexpensive and individual bubble wands can be embellished with the couple’s name and wedding date.

dried flowers for wedding | Alternatives to Throwing Rice at a Wedding | Handmade Weddings a Bridal Event by Pop Shop Houston

Dried Flowers and Confetti can be given out in adorable little muslin bags and customized for the couple. Confetti can also be a cost efficient exit for any wedding. Learn to make these cuties at a Handmade Wedding Workshop 11am Sunday Sept. 21st.

Want more tips like this? Join us at Handmade Weddings September 20th and 21st 2014!

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