Mismatch Your Earrings

Toast Earrings

Mismatch Your Earrings! This is a super fun way to reinvent your style, hang onto mismatched earrings that you can’t stop loving, and dress outside of the box.

A while back, I wrote this blog post called Get Your Dresser Cleaned Up! It was stylish and fun because everyone knows that keeping a clean dresser is a good thing (duh). What was really cool is that during the process of cleaning my dresser I examined a small piece of my bedroom. I had to understand how I was organizing my life to explain how other people could organize theirs. And in my case the things I keep on my dresser are little-tiny-special pieces of handmade jewelry. Memories and moments.

Penis Earring

I often wear only one earring or mismatched earrings. Some are just too weird to wear two. Some have lost their little earring soul mates! It’s definitely a part of my style and although I often wear small and tiny earrings they are definitely loud in appearance. Here are a collection of some of my favorites as photographed by Marisa Brodie.


The Rainbow Penis Earring – This earring is a conversation starter! I wear this earring – only one – when I’m wearing something very demure or when I’m going to a wild party. Yes, everyone will bring it up which can sometimes be fun and sometimes totally embarrassing! We made these earrings at Potions until we sold out but they could still be custom ordered. We’re also hosting a shrinky dink your own vice workshop Aug. 15th 2015 and I think this would be perfect piece to make. Check out these other examples!

eggs 1


Eggs & Toast – It’s breakfast time with eggs and toast! I just think these earrings are so cute together. This could be a fun gift for a best friend. Komodokat, the company that makes these earrings, always paints a smile on the earrings. So even though they are sold seperately, they really belong together!

duck hunt

Nintendo Controller – Oh yeah throwing back to the 80s. I wear these earrings a lot, especially with all black and especially to things that are high fashion. More than any other pair I own, these earrings tell the story of what I like about life – fun, silly, games. You can’t see it but I always wear the big controller with this little controller. It works because it’s the same image just in different sizes.

lil pearl 1


pearl 2


Pearl Stud & Metal Pyramid – The metal pyramid earring was my favorite pair of earrings in the whole world! They were made by my dear friend Kelly and I really treasured them. I lost one while running to my car in the rain. I had a friend in from out of town so a whole bunch of us got together and went bowling. Turns out none of us were great bowlers so it was really easy to cheer for everyone to get over 100. *Sigh* It was a super fun night and I’m glad I still have one of the earrings. I pair it with a pearl stud because I think metal and pearls are fabulous together.

pentagram earring


stevie 2

Pentagram & Feathers – It reminds me of Stevie Nicks! I never wear more than 1 pentagram at a time – too goth. But one – hey – that’s the right amount of scary.


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