Something Borrowed, Something Blue: An Interview With Ramon Maiden

Ramon Maiden Featured Image

It’s time to reveal my chat with the humble and worldly Ramon Maiden. He has a special style using small ball-point pens or water and ink to decorate old photos, vintage postcards, wooden hands and even porcelain figurines with intricate, tiny tattoos. His art is beautiful and easy to love. Let’s have a look-see and peer into his brain…

*Side note: I had to translate the interview from Spanish to American-English. Shout out to Raquel Chan for all her help!


Where are you from? Where are you now?

I’m from Barcelona, but I’m currently living between Barcelona and London, where my girlfriend lives.

Ramon Maiden Interview

Tell me a little about yourself and your grand commitment to art.

La verdad es que acabé siendo artista por accidente, no fue nada planificado ni preparado. My formación académica está relacionada con el campo social. Eso si, he dibujado desde pequeño. Mi família también es muy artística, así que siempre han apoyado mi parte artística. Llego un momento que mi trabajo como artista freelance y mi trabajo como Trabajador Social eran insostenibles y aposté por lo que que llenaba más, el arte.

The truth is that I ended up being an artist by accident, it was nothing planned or prepared. My academic training is related to the social field, even though I have drawn since childhood. My family is also very artistic, so they have always supported my artistic side. There was a point in time where my job as a social worker and a freelance artist, together, became overwhelming. So, I went with what gave me more fulfillment, art.

Ramon Maiden Interview

What’s your studio like?

Mi estudio es parte de mi mundo visual. Tengo un pequeño museo en casa donde colecciono cosas que em inspiran y ayudan a encontrar mi visionario artístico. Viajo mucho y siempre me traigo algo de allí donde voy.

My studio is part of my visual world. I have a small museum at home where I collect things that inspire me and help find my artistic visionary. I travel a lot and always take something from wherever I go.

Ramon Maiden Interview

What’s your process like?

El proceso de mis piezas empieza con la búsqueda de la base de la obra. Sea en el país que sea o en el tipo de tienda, mercadillo, tienda de antigüedades,… es como un flechazo, cuando la veo ya se que tiene q ser mía y en ese momento ya empieza el proceso creativo que acabo en mi estudio. Soy bastante versátil con el medio, que usaré para pintar o dibujar y eso me da más libertad y oportunidad de trabajar sobre diferentes superficies.

The process of my pieces begins with finding the basis of the work. Whatever the country may be, the street merchants or antique shop, it will hit me like an arrow and that’s when my creative process starts, and I finish in my studio. I’m very versatile with mediums, which I will use to paint or draw, and that gives me more freedom and opportunity to work on different surfaces.

Ramon Maiden Interview

Do you have bursts of creativity and create a lot all at once? Or is there a constant flow of new ideas for your work?

La creatividad viene y va, no se la puede llamar ni forzar. Sólo hay que aprovechar cuando aparece y potenciarla. Es bueno estar alerta durante el día y grabar en tu mente esas imágenes, ideas,…que te pueden ayudar a que al creatividad fluya y se mantenga.

Creativity comes and goes, it can not be called or forced. I can just harness and strengthen it when it appears. It’s good to be alert during the day and record those images in your mind, ideas … that can help you to keep the creativity maintained and flowing.

Ramon Maiden Interview

What motivates you the most?

Viajar es la mejor forma de crearte un rico mundo visual que te te motive a seguir creando. Descubrir nuevas culturas, formas de arte, olores, conocer a otros artistas y tus métodos,…

Traveling is the best way to create your own rich visual world that will motivate you to continue creating. Discovering new cultures, art forms, odors, and to meet other artists and their methods …

Ramon Maiden Interview

Have you always wanted to be an artist?

Yo creo q nací artista, pero nunca me planteé ser artista. Todo vino fluido.

I think I was born an artist, but I never planned to be one. Like fine wine (which I think means to say: ‘Like the older he got, he flourished in his love for art’).

Ramon Maiden Interview

I’m curious; are you covered in tattoos as well?

Si 🙂 ya me queda poco espacio libre.

Yes. 🙂 I only have a few spots available.

Ramon Maiden Interview

What makes you happiest in life?

Ver a la gente de mi alrededor feliz, soy una persona muy cariñosa y cuidadora. Adoro a mi família y amigos

Seeing people happy around me, I am a very loving and caring person. I love my family and friends.

Ramon Maiden Interview

Though his website boasts that he accepts a few custom orders every year, you can instantly shop for Maiden’s prints and goodies on Etsy:

Maiden recently released an art book! You can find and purchase that here.

Here are a few other places you can ogle at his fantastic artwork:

Let’s Stay Friends!

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