Welcome to Miami: A Summer Style Guide

Welcome to Miami: A Summer Style Guide

Cities like Houston, Austin, Miami, LA know what summer means. Most of the year is hot as the sun but business doesn’t stop when the heat kicks in.

At Pop Shop, we teach workshops all summer long in which we’re lugging around supplies and working with kids in the middle of the day at libraries across town. We’re back and forth between indoors and outdoors in a setting in which we’re walking around classroom and on top of chairs hanging art and signage. It’s a physical task and we try to look smart while we’re doing it.

Here’s a style guide focused on looking professional with sandals, shorts, and tanks without looking like your hanging at the beach.

Some of my favorite secrets to a professional style in the summer are:

  • Pair little tanks with longer shorts and short shorts with longer flowy blouses. Trade one for the other to keep the style upscale.
  • Remember the French Rule – Pair mini skirts with flats and anything below the knee with heels.

Lighten up the rest of your life! Carry a smaller purse, drink more water, and lighten up any make up so that you can take on that natural summer glow.

Let’s Stay Friends!

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