Are you as obsessed with bullet journaling as I am? Here are my Summer Bullet Journal Ideas to prove it!
Bullet journals are a great way to stay organized. They are a perfect way to keep a calendar and one that is customized to your needs. Bullet journals are part sketchbook, part notebook and a creative way to blend the too.
If you have one that is the right size, you can take them with you anywhere. Best of all, they are super creative. So here are some fresh ideas for your Bullet Journal.
A Mix of:
Stamps (like Alphabet Stamps)
Polaroids (like these)
Cute Cut Outs from Magazines to Collage
Brush Lettering Pens
Pens & Highlighters
Rubber Cement
Washi Tape
You are welcome to be creative with the supplies you choose! You do not need to use all of the supplies. When it comes to pens, brush lettering pens, and highlighters, I do recommend having an array of colors.
1. Divide Your Bullet Journal into Sections and Mark the Edges
When I get a new journal, the first thing I do is divide the entire journal into even sections. Each section has the same number of pages. These sections can either be divided by month or themes like: work, self care, art, and hobbies. Then I mark the sections on the side of the pages so I can see them on the side of the journal. You can use a pen, you could fold the corners of certain sections, or you can use small Post-Its to mark them. This will help you flip through the bullet journal easier.
Dividing by month can help with task management. You find older notes by connecting them with the date that you wrote them. On the other hand, organizing your sections into tasks is a great way to make sure you are not ignoring certain aspects of your life – like work or self-care.
2. Create Negative Space with Black Paper & White Pens
White pens or chalkboard pens are absolutely stunning inside of journals! The black paper helps break up the space and adds depth. You could cover an entire page with black paper, or just a small section like what I did in the image above.
3. Create a Monthly At a Glance Calendar
At the very beginning of the bullet journal, or at the beginning of each month’s section (if you chose to section your journal this way), create a monthly calendar. This is a great way to see all of your scheduled activities at a glance. I used a marker and a ruler on a separate sheet of paper. Using these supplies will give you a much more professional result.
To make it, start with a pencil and your ruler. This way you don’t have to worry about mistakes. For 7 days a week, you will make 6 up and down lines. For the 4 weeks, you will actually need 5 sections from top to bottom. Thus make 4 even lines. Once you have penciled them evenly, mark them with your ruler and marker and erase the pencil.
Frame your calendar with eye doodles or flower doodles. Keep your doodles simple and consistent. It will make your bullet journal look great!
4. Create a Mood Tracker for Great Self Care
On the right page of this journal, check out the gorgeous mood tracker! It’s a series of simple crystals doodled in different shapes. It has a color bar at the bottom so you can color code your mood each day. The crystals are multifaceted, so if you have more than one mood in the same day you can mark the facets differently.
Tracking your mood is a wonderful way to reflect on the day and find ways to minimize the things that stress you in your everyday life. Once you track them, it’s easier to know what they are and figure out how to deal with them.
5. Create a More in Depth Weekly Calendar
For me, a monthly at a glance is not detailed enough for the amount of tasks I have going on. I also create a weekly at a glance in my bullet journal. I also keep a Google Calendar, but writing things down by hand helps my memory.
To make it, again start with a pencil and make 7 boxes for each day of the week. Make your weekends – Saturday and Sunday a different shape to tell them apart. Once you have everything in pencil, go over it with pen and then erase any pencil that shows. If you want to learn how to make the calligraphy letters check out our tutorial here.
6. Try Unique Materials like Watercolor, Washi Tape & Polaroids
Use unique materials in your bullet journal as a way to keep your mementos and little reminders that will fill you with joy. My favorite things to add are Polaroids with my Instax 9, washi tape (you can see it in the lower right corner), and natural materials like pressed flowers and twine.
7. Create a Collage Using Stickers, Stamps, and Doodles
Bullet Journals can also think of them as an artist sketchbook. With that in mind, find cool things you have collected like stickers and notecards and add them to the journal. Lay it out before you glue it down to be sure you have a finished composition in mind. Add flourished with stamps and ink; add simple doodles like flowers. Be sure to use different sizes of items to add dimension and create a seamless color palette across the page.
As far as glue, I recommend using rubber cement because it keeps paper from wrinkling and can be peeled off.
So what are you going to add to your Fall Bullet Journal? Tell us in the comments!
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