Free Printable Baby Yoda Valentine Cards

baby yoda valentine cards free printable

Are you obsessed with the Mandalorian? Because I am! That’s why I had to create these adorable and fun Baby Yoda Valentine Cards.

These Valentines are perfect for the classroom, are so much fun in the office, and are certain to be a crowd pleaser! If you are ready to download and print them, find the file here and get the fun started.

baby yoda valentine card printables pop shop america

Before I go any further, I should be clear that these are not actually Baby Yoda. The Mandalorian takes place after the original trilogy (Parts IV – VI) 5 years after the fall of the Empire in Return of the Jedi.

So Baby Yoda is not actually Yoda, but a “child” of the same species. Can you tell that I am Star Wars obsessed?

valentine cards with baby yoda printables pop shop america

Now if you are ready to download and print these cards, here are some tips.

First, after you download this file, you can keep it forever! It’s free to use for your personal cards but you can’t republish, sell, or distribute these cards.

To use them, you could either crop them digitally and send them in your emails or dm them to your friends on social. Or you can print them out like I did.

I recommend a heavy weight cardstock – at least 80 lbs. It will also look great if you take them to a professional printer. That’s what I did! Last, you can use scissors to cut out each individual card.

The printable page has 7 different Baby Yoda Valentines! All of them have fun phrases and are perfect for all your friends and family.

free printable yoda valentines cut out pop shop america

So are you ready to download and print these Baby Yoda Valentines? And once you print them, who are you going to give them to? Tell us in the comments below, or tag your photos of how you use your Baby Yoda Valentines on social media! We want to see.

You can download your Baby Yoda Valentines here! And don’t miss out on our other free printables below. Happy Valentines Day!

Let’s Be Friends!

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