A salve is an ointment, a lot like a heavy and dense body butter. It’s used to promote healing of the skin and to soothe dry and irritated skin. You can use a salve as a hand cream, lip balm, or add it to dry elbows. It’s the perfect thing to carry around with you since it has so many uses!
It’s also remarkably easy to make. The best thing about this DIY is that you can choose your own palette of essential oils. Do you like fruity, florals? What about lush greens, or pepper and spices? Here are our favorite essential oil recipe ideas if you are looking for inspiration.
And this DIY is strikingly similar to a DIY Lip Gloss. Just check out this recipe here to see what I mean!
So let’s get started. Here’s how to make a Love Potion Healing Salve.
Aura Cacia Love Potion Essential Oil
Coconut Oil
Almond Oil
Crock Pot
Cheese Grater (that you don’t mind ruining)
Popsicle Stick, Toothpick, or Something Very Small for Stirring
Notice how I don’t give measurements for any of the ingredients? That’s because it can vary! It’s pretty hard to mess up. The one tip is that beeswax is the ingredient that makes it dense and waxy. I recommend using these measurements.
2 Parts Coconut Oil
2 Parts Almond Oil
1 Part Beeswax
If you decide to change these measurements, you may want to consider less beeswax. That’s the ingredient that hardens the salve. It’s easy to add to much – so keep that in consideration.
Grate the beeswax and add it to your crock pot. Additionally add your coconut and almond oil.
Keep your crock pot on low and stir every few minutes. You don’t have to use a crock pot. You could use a regular pan and stove instead. But I like to use a crockpot because it works well on low heat and heats the whole thing evenly.
While you are heating your salve ingredients, add a few drops of your love potion to each salve container. Around 5 drops is plenty since these containers are so tiny!
Once all of your ingredients are completely melted, transfer your save liquid into a container with a pour spout.
Pour your salve blend into the containers leaving a bit of extra room in the container. Then stir your salve and essential oils together. It’s best to stir slowly and carefully.
The salve will set in about 15 minutes. That’s when it’s ready to use!
Now add it to your cuticles for a little extra moisture. Or add it to your heels before you go to sleep. Your Love Potion Healing Salve has so many uses!
So what’s the Story on the Aura Cacia Love Potion?
Honestly, I’m not sure why it’s called “Love Potion” It seems like just a marketing gimmick but it smells great! It has mandarin orange, lemon, cardamom, sandalwood and other fragrant essential oils. That it says are “perfect for setting the mood.” Sandalwood is considered a heart opening essential oil but it would be combined with a more traditional rose, or jasmine to be a love potion.
If you want to make a salve that’s a real love potion, I would recommend: rose, jasmine, chamomile, neroli, patchouli, ylang ylang. These flowers are considered the love enhancers.Â
You could go a step further by adding a tiny bit of rose quartz or rhodochrosite to your salve which will get if at boost of love vibes!
Tell us in the comments – How do you plan to use your Love Potion Healing Salve?
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