How to Make a Pom Pom Burger

pom pom burger_Fotor | Complete Burger Pom Pom | How to Make a Yarn Pom Pom Burger on the Pop Shop America Craft Blog

Looking for some faux food to make? This DIY Pom Pom Burger is so much fun! You know that faux food crafts are always so much fun and so are pom poms!

That’s why this Pom Pom Burger is impossible to resist!

So let’s get started making it! Here are instructions on how to make a Pom Pom Burger out of yarn! It’s a easy DIY in which you only need these supplies:

yellow or bun colored yarn
a small square of red, brown, yellow, and green felt
2 small pieces of painters tape

Now go! You can do it.

The insides of the Pom Pom Burger | Instructions on how to Make a Pom Pom Burger out of Yarn | Yarn Pom Poms | Pop Shop America Craft Blog

>Start with 4 pieces of felt that have holes in the center. These will be the inside of the burger.

Here is a brown piece of felt for the meat patty, yellow cheese, green for the lettuce, and a piece of red to represent the ketchup. Scallop the edges of the green and red pieces to make them similar to the rough edges of lettuce and a squirt of ketchup. The burger patty has been cut into a circle.

tape a string to make the inside of a burger | Pom Pom Burger | Cool Yarn Pom Pom DIYs | Crafts on the Pop Shop America Craft Blog

Stack them on top of each other.

Make a short string of yarn around the circle of felt but don’t complete the circle. Let there be a small opening.  The ends of the strings should drape outside of the felt. Then tape the ends down with painters tape.

Notice that we made the yarn circle in between several layers of felt.

put the felt together | Stack the Felt Layers to Make a Burger Pom Pom | Make a Pom Pom Burger out of Yarn | Pop Shop America DIY Blog

make a spool to save time | Make a Yarn Spool | How to Make a Pom Pom with Yarn | DIY Pom Pom Burger from the Pop Shop America Blog

Here’s a close up of the ends of the strings and how they hang outside of the felt.

Now you are going to start looping a longer piece of yarn around the felt in a circle.  Move from the inside of the circle to the outside around and around. ln the right image, there is a spool of yarn that I made. This will make it faster and neater to loop the yarn.

a million loops | How to Make a Pom Pom Burger with yarn and Felt | DIYs from the Pop Shop America Blog | How to Make a Yarn Pom Pom

done winding all the Yarn | How to Make a Pom Pom Burger | Cool Pom Pom DIYs | Make a Pom Pom with Yarn from the Pop Shop America blog

Make loops all the way around the circle. Be sure to keep your two strings ends (the ones that you taped inside the felt) from getting tangled with your loops. The picture on the right is what it what look like when you are done. Notice that the yarn is messy. That’s okay. I actually keep the yarn loops nice and loose around the felt to make a bigger pom pom.

trim the edges | How to Make a Pom Pom Burger | Cool Yarn Crafts | Make a Pom Pom with Yarn | DIY from the Pop Shop America Blog

Find the two string ends. Remove the tape and tie the ends in one knot. Pull it really tight while you trim yarn around the outside. Place your scissors in between two layers of felt to use the felt as your guide. Once the yarn is trimmed all the way around, pull your knot really tight and tie a second knot.

tie a knot | How to Make a Pom Pom Burger | DIY Pom Poms with Yarn | Do it Yourself Activities from the Pop Shop America Blog

Now trim the top bun into a more oval shape and the bottom bun into a cylinder. Give your pom pom a little hair cut to make a perfect bun shape.
Now you have a Burger Pom Pom!

pom pom burger_Fotor | Complete Burger Pom Pom | How to Make a Yarn Pom Pom Burger on the Pop Shop America Craft Blog

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