Printable You Are Dinomite! Dinosaur Art

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Roar! Here is the last of the fun Dinosaur Freebies included in the January Craft in Style Subscription Box. It’s a bright and colorful dinosaur art printable. It’s perfect to give as a gift, you can frame it and display it on your wall. But you don’t have to be a Craft in Style Subscriber to download it for free and print it yourself here.

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These we’re included in postcard size for all of the January Craft in Style Subscribers. Craft in Style is a subscription box in which you can get cool DIY Supplies delivered to your door each month. The January Box main activity is Gilded Dinosaur Planters! They are fresh, fun, and joyous! Each box comes with 2 air plants and 2 succulents in addition to 2 mini Dino Toys that are perfect for gilding too. Here’s a blog link about all the different things you can do with Mini Gilded Animal Toys.


you are dinomite! free printable dinosaur art pop shop america_small tiny web

Mini Dino Toys, just like the ones in the January Box, are featured in this art print. Some of the dinos are gilded. And some are painted and glittered! It’s fun and full of cool bright colors. We printed them for our Box Subscribers as 4 x 6 postcards with a blank back.

But you could print them larger or even print them as a foldable greeting card. The file is pretty big so there are lots of options as to how you use it.

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All you need to do to download this printable is use the link at the top or bottom of this blog. It will take you to an Instant Download that is free to print! You can keep it forever or as long as you like.

So what are you going to do with your Dinosaur Art Print? Send it as a postcard, frame it for your wall, or make it into a greeting card? Tell us in the comments!

you are dinomite free art print by pop shop america

So be sure to download and print your Dinosaur Art from Pop Shop America! And if you love these freebies, don’t forget to sign up for Craft in Style and get DIY Kits delivered to your door each month!

you are dinomite january craft in style arts and crafts subscription freebie

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